'It's not OK!' is a violence prevention partnership led by Liverpool City Council.  The initiative was begun as part of the Liverpool's Capital of Culture programme in 2008 and is now seen as one of the key legacy projects from the year.

The partnership has developed a number of creative education resources designed to engage young people in social education programmes.  These interactive software packages have been demonstrated to be effective in changing young people's attitudes in relation to a number of key issues, including alcohol use, homophobic and racial bullying and anti-social behaviour.  The resources are all mapped against core curriculum subjects including maths and English and excitingly deliver improved academic performance in these subjects.

Current members of the 'It's not OK!' partnership are Culture Liverpool, Liverpool Children's Service, Liverpool CitySafe, Merseyside Police and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service.

'It's not OK!' has published a series educational software packages.  These are:-

SafeSkills - a PSHE resource building resilience to grooming for sexual and criminal exploitation

CyberSense - a resource building resilience in an online world

Plastered - a PSHE alcohol education resource

Plastered 2 - Alcohol education in the GCSE Maths curriculum

Street Heat - a Key Stage 3/4 English resource looking at anti-social behaviour

Senseless - The impacts of racism in the English curriculum

Face Up - Looking at teenage relationships in Key Stage 4 English

Denial - Homophobic Bullying in Key Stage 3/4 English

The INOK resources are available at no cost to schools in Mersyeside where those schools agree to provide us with monitoring information.